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"That Math Guy!"

I tutored and graded all through college and found it to be rewarding. I really enjoy the "lightbulb" moment when something finally clicks (even if it's me!) I take the approach that helping my clients build confidence with a subject they struggle with tends to have a ripple effect which helps to achieve other goals. My math tutoring philosophy is quite simple: Mathematics builds off patterns, so repetition is key. There are no people who are simply "bad at math", only those who haven't p...

actuarial science

algebra 1

algebra 2



Donna H. from Ogden, UT

Greg was able to break down the concepts in a way I could understand. Now I know why I need to take the steps I do. Willing to explain concepts until I finally grasped them.

LaKedia B. from Palo Alto, CA

He was knowledgeable about the subject matter that my daughter was/is struggling with. He taught her in a way that she actually got it & felt comfortable enough to do well on her exams & re-test on previous exams. I highly recommend him. Thanks Greg for helping & for your love of math.